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Baltimore Catechism

Multi Auctores

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No better introduction to the Catholic Faith in the English language has ever been written than the venerable Baltimore Catechism. A mainstay of Catholic education for generations, these four little books have been the mainstay of education of Catholic youth. As long as the Baltimore Catechism has been used, the Faith has been followed; when it ceased to be used, the Faith ceased to be learned. No. 1 offers a very simple, very brief introduction to the Faith, suitable for very young children. No. 2 is an excellent course for First Communion students. No. 3 is suitable for Confirmation candidates. No. 4 is a general explanation of nearly all the aspects of the Faith, and can be profitably read and studied by any Catholic throughout his life. Goretti Publications is proud to offer this new edition of the Baltimore Catechism; may it serve another generation of Catholics as well as it has so many in the past.