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Mass: A Primer

Multi Auctores

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Especially in this era when it is increasingly under attack, a thorough understanding of the perennial liturgy of the Roman Church, the Mass, is necessary. Specifically, the Mass of the Ages, as it was celebrated everywhere until 1965, and is still celebrated in many places today. The Latin Mass is the purest expression of the theology of the liturgical Sacrifice, and a source of riches that can never be plumbed.

Taking material from Fr. Martin Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Father Gihr's The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and Fr. Stedman's My Sunday Missal (all in the public domain), this little primer explains the principle parts of the Mass; the symbolism of each part; the proper gestures to be made by the faithful; and much more besides, with many newly-drawn and many reproduced images.

A perfect introduction for anyone wanting to better participate in the Mass, even if they've been attending for many years.

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